Business Formation

Start Your Business With a Solid Legal Foundation

Don’t leave the security of your future left up to chance. There is a fine line between ASSET PROTECTION and ASSET HIDING. One is illegal. Forewarned is Forearmed.

Are you considering starting a business entity in San Diego (or anywhere in California)? If so, you need a lawyer with the knowledge, skills, and experience to help you. At Bagla Law Firm, our Business Formation Lawyer San Diego offers a wealth of knowledge, skills, and experience.

We not only help your new business establish a solid base, but we can work with you as you grow your business to ensure that its legal needs are handled through all stages of growth.

When running a business, you must take every step with the intent to ensure your business’ success. The most important step you can take is providing your business with a SOLID LEGAL FOUNDATION.

Corporate compliance will ensure

YOUR wealth stayS in YOUR pocket.

Depending on the type of business you are forming and which state is best suited to form in, your unique legal roadmap will guide you on your path to success.


You should also consider:

  • Which state should I form my business in?
  • What type of entity should my business be?
  • How do I keep my business separate from my personal assets?
  • What if I’m just an online business? I don’t need all that extra stuff, right?
  • How many Founders/Owners?
  • Any investors? Potentially later?
  • Will you have employees?
  • What are your goals? (grow/sell/hold)

If this sounds like you…

You should be speaking with the

Queen of Business Law®

You know your business…
We know the law.

This is not the time to take on a DIY Project in place of seeking legal counsel. Critical filings, important internal documents, company specific contracts, and SEC compliance details can easily be missed if you attempt to DIY your business foundation.



S-Corporations have many benefits, the greatest of which involves tax liability, but they also have some drawbacks and strict legal requirements. That’s why it’s important to discuss your business plans with an S-Corporation Formation Lawyer to learn what’s right for your company.

We specialize in the intricate legal requirements and the variety of documents surrounding forming an S-Corporation business entity.


C-Corporation is the most common type of corporation and is named for its tax designation under Subchapter “C” of the IRS Code. S-Corporation is reserved for social security number holders, and has tax benefits but investor limitations. APC or A Professional Corporation is another option for license and certificate holders. There are several different types of corporations. What type of business you are running will determine if Corporation is the correct entity choice, and which type of Corporation is best suited for your endeavor.

Our CORPORATION FORMATION service includes between six and ten different steps and a minimum of six vital internal documents. We will not only help your new business establish a solid foundation, but we will be there every step of the way as your business continues to grow.


Forming an LLC is meant to help provide a corporate veil of protection for your personal assets should your business get sued. There are several different types of LLCs. What type of business you are running will determine if LLC is the correct entity choice and which type of LLC is best suited for your endeavor.

Our LLC FORMATION service includes between five and seven different steps and a minimum of four vital internal documents. We will not only help your new business establish a solid foundation, but we will be there every step of the way as your business continues to grow.

  • Choosing an appropriate name for your LLC.
  • Appointing a registered agent.
  • Filing California Articles of Organization and making your LLC official
  • Filing a Statement of Information (Form LLC-12)
  • Creating an operating agreement
  • Fulfilling tax requirements
  • We can also help you obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) if you need one and register for State taxes.


Non-Profit organizations are formed in the best interest of the public and have some of the strictest regulations. The type of NP that you will form will vary based on the specific purpose/cause your business serves. These range from supporting educational clubs, sports clubs, religious groups, amongst other public benefit purposes.

Our NON-PROFIT FORMATION service includes seven IRS-required policy documents in addition to the other six vital internal documents. We will walk you through the entire process with ease. Not only will we help your new business establish a solid foundation, but we will be there every step of the way as your business continues to grow.

Our Work Speaks For Itself:


Regardless of the type of business you want to start, Bagla Law Firm, APC. can assure you start it with a solid foundation on the path to success!

Walk you through the entire process from idea to inception, ensuring you understand each part of your corporate business, and provide you with a corporate responsibilities checklist.

Ensure Federal and State corporate compliance.

Custom-drafted corporate documents to suit the best interest of the unique business they are drafted for.

Ensure your personal assets aren’t at risk from your business endeavor’s exposure.

Filing and following up with County, State, Federal, and IRS agencies.

Directing you toward the necessary contracts to ensure your business’ success.

Our Legal Roadmap service is…

During this either 30 or 60-minute consultation with Queen of Business Law®, Ms. Kelly Bagla, Esq., she will take the time to determine the best course of legal action that supports your discussed desired outcome, what legal protections, and what legal services you need.

At the end of this meeting, you will be provided with: names of needed documents (and why), names of needed filings (and why), names of needed contracts (and why), references for needed services that we do not provide, & a plan of action explaining how all of these parts work together to help you navigate the creation of your Business Formation Plan safely and efficiently.